Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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84 lines
; To be used with MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later.
; An MS-DOS Kermit script program for dialing from a data-equipped ROLMphone.
; Stored in Kermit Distribution as MSIROL.SCR; rename to ROLM.SCR if necessary
; so the DIAL macro can find it. Place this file in your current directory,
; or any directory in your DOS PATH.
; Expects variable \%1 to contain the phone number or data group name. This
; is done by the DIAL macro defined in MSKERMIT.INI. To make the DIAL macro
; use this file instead of HAYES.SCR, change the definition of "_modem" in
; MSKERMIT.INI from "hayes" to "rolm".
; If you lack the DIAL macro definition, use this simple substitute:
; To use, just type "DIAL nnnnnnn" at the MS-Kermit> prompt, where "nnnnnnn"
; is the desired phone number or Rolm data group name.
; Sets SUCCESS flag if dialing succeeds, sets FAILURE flag
; if it fails, for use with IF SUCCESS, IF FAILURE, \v(status).
; Author: Christine M. Gianone, September 1991.
; Fatal error macro.
def errfail if not def \%1 def \%1 Failed - try again later.,-
echo \%1, hangup, goto fail
; Macro to check error messages.
def chkmsg reinput 0 \%1, if success errfail
if < VERSION 311 errfail {MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later required.}
set input timeout proceed ; Allow IF SUCCESS, IF FAILURE
set input echo on ; Let's watch what happens
clear ; Clear out old stuff from INPUT buffer
set count 3 ; Try up to 3 times to get Rolm prompt
output \13 ; Send carriage return
input 3 MODIFY\63\13\10 ; ROLMphone says "CALL, DISPLAY OR MODIFY?"
if success goto dial ; Got it.
if count goto loop ; Didn't get it, try again.
echo ROLMphone not responding on port \v(port) at speed=\v(speed).
errfail {Please check your connection and try again.}
pause 1 ; Wait a second
output CALL \%1\13 ; Dial the number
set count 12 ; Try up to 12 times to read a known response
input 40 \13 ; Look for a carriage return.
if fail errfail {No response to CALL command}
reinput 0 CALL COMPLETE ; The response we wanted.
if success goto gotit
chkmsg {NOT A DATALINE} ; Check for error messages.
chkmsg {FAILED} ; This lets us fail right away, rather
chkmsg {BUSY} ; than waiting forever for CALL COMPLETE
chkmsg {LACKS PERMISSION} ; not to show up...
chkmsg {ABANDONED}
reinput 0 NOT AVAILABLE ; This one needs a hint
if fail goto again
echo Failed - Most likely cause: \v(speed) bps can't be used with \%1.
errfail {Please change your speed and try again.}
if count goto getmsg ; None of these, wait for another message.
errfail {Sorry - I don't understand these reponses.} ; Too many tries.
echo \7 ; Succeeded, beep
define errfail ; Erase ERRFAIL definition
define chkmsg ; CHKMSG definition too
end 0 ; Finished, return success code.
:FAIL ; Dialing failed.
define errfail ; Erase ERRFAIL definition
define chkmsg ; CHKMSG definition too
end 1 ; Return failure code.